
Three major trends have profoundly affected the future of global machinery manufacturing


The growth of the global oil-water separator economy is inseparable from the continuous improvement of the machinery manufacturing industry, and the machinery manufacturing industry has been constantly evolving along with the growth of the global economy.


Before the global economic crisis broke out in 2008, the global machinery manufacturing industry experienced rapid development for several consecutive years due to the strong growth demand of emerging countries, especially China. However, in the subsequent economic crisis, the global machinery manufacturing industry was hit hard. Looking forward to the future development of the global machinery manufacturing industry, there are three major trends that will have a far-reaching impact and will significantly change the territory of the future industry. These three trends are: the focus of the entire machinery manufacturing industry will move to Asia, and the competition in the global market will gather in the mid-end market. Energy conservation and environmental protection will be increasingly valued by users and manufacturers.


1. Move to Asia


As global manufacturing is concentrated in Asia, machinery manufacturing as a supplier of equipment is increasingly moving to Asia to gain localized cost advantages and better serve local customers. At the same time, Asian competitors dominated by China's machinery manufacturing industry are also growing rapidly, and their share in the global market is expanding year by year. Luo Baihui, secretary general of the International Model Association, believes that the trend of the entire machinery manufacturing industry will gradually move to the Asian region has become a foregone conclusion. Among them, China became the world's largest machinery manufacturing country in 2010 and became an important symbol to witness the migration of this industry. In the future, China will surely become the main force leading the global machinery manufacturing industry.


First of all, between 2010 and 2015, China's domestic manufacturing industry will still maintain a growth rate far higher than the 3% of the developed countries, which will undoubtedly drive the rapid growth of China's machinery manufacturing industry in the next few years.


Secondly, China's machinery manufacturing industry is gradually gaining the leadership of the global machinery manufacturing industry with its huge scale advantage. By 2015, nearly half of the global market segments will be led by China.


Finally, China is accelerating to catch up with leading countries on a technical level. Due to the Yin market in the Asian region of the industry, European manufacturers are in a difficult situation in the next few years, and they lack the funds and willingness to continue to advance technological progress. The Chinese machinery manufacturers themselves are still at the low-end of the market, and they are very clear on the one hand. The gap between ourselves and the world's advanced level has a clear learning object; on the other hand, the fast-growing Chinese market has given them great confidence and motivation to upgrade their technology to achieve greater growth. Under two very different mentalities, the gap between China and Europe's machinery manufacturing technology is expected to shrink in the next few years.


Due to the sustained rapid growth of the Chinese market, the migration of the entire machinery manufacturing industry to Asia is the trend of the times, and the dominant position of European manufacturers in terms of scale and technology will gradually be replaced by Asian manufacturers.


2, gather the middle end


Over the years, machinery manufacturers from emerging market countries have gradually achieved great success in the ultra-low-end and low-end markets. The mid- to high-end market has always been firmly in the hands of machinery manufacturers from mature market countries, but this trend will be in the next few years. A big change will happen.


The main reason for this change is the changing customer requirements in each region. The customer requirements in each region are becoming more and more similar. Mature market customers who were not conscious of cost began to have stricter requirements on prices after the economic crisis. Emerging market customers who originally had low quality requirements have begun to pay attention to quality after years of market cultivation. The mid- to high-end market will become the focus of competition for future machinery manufacturers.


With the downturn in the US and Japanese machinery manufacturing industry, Luo Baihui believes that the global regional competition of the future machinery manufacturing industry will mainly be between China and Europe. The main battlefield is the mid-market. In the future mid-market competition, China and Europe will rely on their respective advantages to develop different development strategies, but also face different challenges. Chinese manufacturers and European manufacturers have their own advantages in the competition for the mid-end market. Who will become the final winner, it is still difficult to judge, but the success or failure of the mid-end market will undoubtedly affect the future of both sides.


3. Energy saving and environmental protection


Energy conservation and environmental protection are not a new concept in the machinery manufacturing industry. According to Luo Baihui's survey, no more than half of the interviewees in Europe and China can improve energy efficiency as a key or important decision-making basis in equipment procurement. However, customers have embraced the concept of energy saving and environmental protection, but they are actually willing to pay an extra premium to purchase these features. Really promote more customers, the procurement of mechanical equipment using energy-saving and environmental protection technology is the three major factors. First, energy conservation and environmental protection can help enterprises optimize costs; secondly, energy conservation and environmental protection are requirements of some regional policies and regulations; finally, energy conservation and environmental protection can effectively enhance corporate image .


Energy conservation and environmental protection are the general trend of the whole world, and the machinery manufacturing industry naturally cannot stay out of it, just like the use of clean energy. Economics and policies and regulations are the key factors in determining whether customers are willing to purchase energy-saving and environmentally friendly functions. However, in general, as the world's countries, especially emerging market countries, pay more attention to energy conservation and environmental protection, the trend of machinery manufacturing shifting to more environmentally friendly and lower energy consumption is irreversible.



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